Lumen help

Viewing Edge Gateway device details

Lumen Edge Gateway Manager shows the following details about Edge Gateway devices in the list section:

  • Site—Location of the Edge Gateway device.
  • Edge Gateway Status—The current status of the Edge Gateway device (UP or DOWN). To refresh the status, click the icon.
  • VNF—The number of VNFs currently provisioned on the Edge Gateway device. All VNFs (running or not) are included.
  • vCPU—The total and unallocated number of virtual CPUs on the Edge Gateway device. The total number excludes resources used by the host operating system.
  • RAM (GB)—The total and unallocated amount of memory, in gigabytes, on the Edge Gateway device. The total amount excludes resources used by the host operating system.
  • Edge Gateway Device—The service ID, model number, and serial number of the Edge Gateway device.

You can also expand sections on the list to view more information about VNFs and interfaces. Interfaces, or WAN transports, can be broadband connections, direct internet access connections, virtual private network (VPN) connections, and Long Term Evolution (LTE) connections. Each Edge Gateway device requires at least one transport, but cannot have more than four. You can use the name to acquire information about the transport.

To view Edge Gateway device details:

Edge Gateway Manager homepage.